Online Coaching Services

At well with Elle we cater for all, whether you want to feel confident in you or have some help getting your dream job, We've got you!

Uniformed Services Fitness

It's no secret that the fitness tests to get into the services are hard. Whether its a bleep test for the police or the NFS testing for the fire service. These tests are designed to be hard but they should never stop you from getting your dream job. 

I know how hard these tests can be so I designed this program to help push you beyond your limits and thrive. I will ensure you turn up to your testing day in your best physical state.

Pass your fitness tests or get your money back. 

Body Recomposition

Feeling in need of a bit of TLC? Tired of feeling tired all the time? 

Lets change that. 

If you are new to the gym and looking to start your fitness journey this package is perfect for you! Step into the gym with confidence that you know what you are doing with a plan designed just for you. We will work together to add structure to your life and training, to boost your results and help you make the change you desire. 

Female Fat Loss

Been a gym goer for a while but not seeing the results you crave? This is for you. Lets get you out of your rut and put some passion back into your training. 

This program will push your boundaries and achieve results you thought were impossible.  Working together we give you everything you need to guaranteeing you are in the best position possible to smash your result.

What's included?

Personalised Training Plan 

No matter which package you choose each plan is personalised to you. From our initial consultation we design your training programmes tailored to you to ensure you achieve your goals. Training is logged through our app, plus the option to sync your smart watch! These programs can be home or gym based enabling anyone to get results anywhere in the world.

Personalised Calories and Macros

We calculate your calories/macros dependent on your goal. From this we determine which approach you wish to take, either a traditional nutrition plan approach or macro tracking guidance. Everything is specific to you - your dietary preferences and taking in account any allergies/dietary requirements you have.

Access to my App

We use a coaching app to allow clients and us to log and review all nutrition, training and progress in one easy to use place. Our app also offers full explanations and video demonstrations of each exercise in your plan, measurement tracker, photo portal and much much more...

Weekly Check in

All Clients online clients are assigned a designated check in day. Lauren will review your progress from photos, measurements ensuring you are fully accountable and on track to reach your goals. From check ins, video feedback will be provided and amendments will be made to plans if necessary.

24/7 Support

We provide our personal contact details so you are able to contact us whenever you need our help and guidance. Having a coach that wants you to achieve your goal as much as you do is key to success. We are in regular contact with all of our clients throughout the week

Group support 

When you join Well With Elle you become part of the family and the online coaching community. You will be added to a group of like minded individuals all set on improvement and becoming the best version of themselves.